
Welcome from the Director
Information Literacy skills are of vital importance to your education while you are here at Underwood University. Because of this, the Library is an integral component of the university. Making regular use of the library will make you a better student and will also aid you in becoming more diligent in your study of God’s Word (2 Timothy 2:15). Like many colleges in the United States, our library is cataloged according to the Library of Congress classification system. We have a selection of materials geared toward general and biblical studies. The books are mainly in English and Korean, with a few in other languages. We are continually acquiring new titles in both Korean and English.
We also subscribe to electronic resources through GALILEO.
Please go to to access these resources. Please send an email to for the password.
It is also possible to access eBooks in Korean through Kyobo. Please speak to your instructor or a member of the library staff for the username and password.
Please know that I am here to help you. I will be happy to answer your questions, help you find material pertinent to your studies, and help in other ways that may fit your needs. I ask that you help me, also, by returning borrowed books by the due date, and by caring for the library materials and equipment. As you study, as you read, and as you learn to “rightly divide the Word of truth,” may you be greatly blessed, and may those with whom you interact with be led to a deeper understanding of the will of God.
In Christ,
Debra Giannone, MLS.
Director of Library Services
Library Downloads
Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5 p.m.
Ask Librarian for more help

Electronic Resources
In addition to its physical collection, the Underwood University Library partners with Georgia’s Private Academic Libraries (GPALS) to offer access to GALILEO, the virtual library of the University System of Georgia, with hundreds of thousands of books, articles, journals, magazines, and other media.
Underwood also subscribes to several other electronic database resources, including
Book Guide
Academic Resources
Career & Deveopment