Campus Safety and Security

A Suwanee Police Department station is located only half a kilometer from the campus. Police response time is less than 2 minutes!
The real estate blog ranked Suwanee as the 7th safest small town in Georgia [LINK]
Underwood University has a comprehensive Campus Health and Safety Plan, detailed in our Catalog
Suwanee, Georgia ranks #13 in a ranking of the 20 Safest Cities in Georgia [LINK:], with a violent crime rate in 2019 of 1.6 per 1000 population and a property crime rate of 25.8 per 1000 population. Underwood’s campus is particularly safe, with a Suwanee Police station less than a kilometer away, a large, well-lit parking lot, secure building entrances, and CCTV cameras in the parking lot and in every classroom. There have been no violent crimes reported on campus in the history of Underwood University.
For full information on campus safety and security, please refer to the Underwood University Catalog
Underwood University maintains policies regarding health, safety, and security that all students, faculty, and staff must follow. UU also has a Campus Emergency Plan for situations ranging from fire to severe weather. Full details of the Campus Emergency Plan may be found in the Catalog and the Student Handbook, available for download on the UU website.
Several policies are in place to enhance the safety and well-being of students and staff at Underwood. These include (but are not limited to):
- The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of controlled substances is prohibited on Underwood University property or as part of any University activity. Employees or students found to be in violation of this drug- and alcohol-free environment policy will be subject to appropriate action, including but not limited to termination or dismissal.
- Unlawful manufacturing, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of controlled substances is prohibited by state law under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act. Any UU constituent who violates the above policy is therefore subject not only to disciplinary action under the UU Code of Conduct, but to possible criminal prosecution. The only exception to this policy is for medications that have been legally and properly prescribed by a physician.
- Underwood University abides by all state and local laws regarding the possession, consumption, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages. No alcoholic beverages of any kind are to be brought onto UU campuses or properties without authorization. The legal drinking age in Georgia is 21.
- Tobacco use (including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes or vaping devices, chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, snus, gutka and paan), is PROHIBITED on in all UU buildings and on all UU premises, except in designated outdoor areas.
- Weapons of any kind or facsimiles thereof are prohibited on Underwood University property. This includes but is not limited to firearms, explosives, fireworks, incendiary devices, pellet guns, and non-utility knives or other sharp blades.
- Underwood University cannot be responsible for children on campus. Therefore, for reasons of safety and insurance, children are not allowed on the Underwood University campus (apart from those accompanying short-term visitors).
- No pets or animals of any other kind are allowed on UU property without prior authorization from UU Administration. Service animals are permitted on the Underwood University campus with the prior authorization of UU Administration.
For full information on campus safety and security, please refer to the underwood university catalog.
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